There’s Something Rotten in the State of Denmark

· And it Ain't the Cheese ·

September 5, 2018 0 Comments

By now a lot of you have probably heard of the story about the woman, Kate McClure who drove to Philly from New Jersey and ran out of gas last December. With no money on her person, a homeless man named John Bobbitt, gave her his last $20. Somehow, the story of his good deed spread across the land and Kate and her boyfriend decided to setup a GoFundMe account under the guise that the money was to benefit Mr. Bobbitt. The account accrued $400,000 through donations from people who heard about the story. Mr. Bobbitt received only $75,000 and got lawyers involved to retrieve the rest of the funds that were due to him. Ms. McClure and her boyfriend advised that only $200,000 remained and judge gave them a deadline to hand over the rest of the cash. The deadline came and went and the lawyers for Ms. McClure and her boyfriend then advised that NO money remained. They have now decided to conveniently invoke the fifth. Now for the rant….

My first thoughts were that these people are DEAD wrong for withholding the funds which were raised for Mr. Bobbitt. Yes, he is homeless and also a drug addict and thus they decided to disperse the money as they saw fit because he was going to squander it on drugs. ( according to them) Even if that was the case it was not their job to decide how to distribute those funds. I don’t care if he spent every last dime on drugs, that would have been his prerogative. While they were withholding the funds from him, they were spending the money on lavish vacations, gambling and so forth until they completely depleted the account.

But now the more I think  about it, it got me to wondering. Was this a scam all along? Who drives anywhere much more from state to state with no money, no wallet, NOTHING? How exactly did the encounter take place?  After the incident they setup the account, invite this man to stay on their property, and buy him a trailer, a man that they claim they didn’t know.  Team too much. People do nice things for strangers all the time and it doesn’t become news.  If they wanted to show gratitude why not just pay the man back the $20 and keep it moving? Now we’re dealing with fraud. Fraud perpetrated by the couple and quite possibly Mr. Bobbitt himself. If he is NOT involved in the fraud I am truly sorry this happened to him. Maybe they thought they’d throw him a bone because after all, $75,000 is more than he had so he would be happy with that and they could just pocket the rest.  No matter how you dice it, they are scum and I’m being VERY polite right now. And while they can invoke the fifth amendment, a paper trail can easily paint the picture of what went on, when and how. I hope the people who donated get their money back. I hope that Kate and her POS BF have to pay the piper. I love a feel good story but I don’t like being emotionally manipulated and it sounds to me like these individuals played on the hearts of good people for financial gain and they deserve whatever hell they get. This is why I have trust issues. I bid you a good day.

September 5, 2018