House of Cards or Nah?

· Yes, this is a RANT! ·

Oct 7, 2018 / 0 Comments

Ok y’all I have a lot to unpack so get ready. Never in my life have I given more thought to or have been more engaged in politics than I have with in the last two years. I should NOT have to explain why that is. First, a confession: I used to be one of those voters who only voted during Presidential elections. That stops now. I have never been more disgusted, more angry, more confused and more disillusioned with our government than I am right now. Recent events seem like something straight out of “Scandal” or “House of Cards” which is NOT a good thing. I believe or hope at least, that most of the GOP members know that the current person in charge of running our country is an idiot. I know that a lot of them stand by him for the purpose of “saving face” and showing a unified party. It is irresponsible. These senators that have recently agreed to allow yet ANOTHER Supreme Court nominee hold a life time appointment on the highest court in the land DESPITE that nominee’s questionable ethics is deplorable but not at all surprising. Let me also say that’s time to amend this lifetime appointment crap. Hell, even the President can only serve two terms. We all knew that whether or not the FBI conducted an investigation or not, that Kavanaugh was going to be sworn in. What I’d like to know is why such the hard push on THIS man? Why not nominate someone else who had less “baggage?”  Sounds me to me like some wheeling’ and dealin’ behind closed doors. Like there were some promises made or favors owed type of situation. It was a circus. On NOVEMBER 6, 2018 we must show up and show out, it’s as simple as that, and not just because of the Kavanaugh situation. Look at all the bullshit that has taken place with in the last two years.  It still blows my mind. A few weeks ago, Governor Tom Wolf, Senator Bob Casey and President Barack Obama, held a rally (in North Philly no less) to stress the importance of the upcoming mid-term elections and I was lucky enough to be in the audience.  I could feel the sense of urgency. We are in a state of emergency. Philly is a majority Democratic city so really no worry there, but the suburbs? That may be a different story. Let me stress that I am no political science expert or authority on the subject. I just know that something has to change. If you’re not registered to vote, DO IT. The deadline is October 9th. If you’ve never voted during a mid-term election, DO IT NOW! There is soooo much more I want to say but I haven’t figured out the best way to present it just yet. This is your wake up call.

There’s Something Rotten in the State of Denmark

· And it Ain't the Cheese ·

Sep 5, 2018 / 0 Comments

By now a lot of you have probably heard of the story about the woman, Kate McClure who drove to Philly from New Jersey and ran out of gas last December. With no money on her person, a homeless man named John Bobbitt, gave her his last $20. Somehow, the story of his good deed spread across the land and Kate and her boyfriend decided to setup a GoFundMe account under the guise that the money was to benefit Mr. Bobbitt. The account accrued $400,000 through donations from people who heard about the story. Mr. Bobbitt received only $75,000 and got lawyers involved to retrieve the rest of the funds that were due to him. Ms. McClure and her boyfriend advised that only $200,000 remained and judge gave them a deadline to hand over the rest of the cash. The deadline came and went and the lawyers for Ms. McClure and her boyfriend then advised that NO money remained. They have now decided to conveniently invoke the fifth. Now for the rant….

My first thoughts were that these people are DEAD wrong for withholding the funds which were raised for Mr. Bobbitt. Yes, he is homeless and also a drug addict and thus they decided to disperse the money as they saw fit because he was going to squander it on drugs. ( according to them) Even if that was the case it was not their job to decide how to distribute those funds. I don’t care if he spent every last dime on drugs, that would have been his prerogative. While they were withholding the funds from him, they were spending the money on lavish vacations, gambling and so forth until they completely depleted the account.

But now the more I think  about it, it got me to wondering. Was this a scam all along? Who drives anywhere much more from state to state with no money, no wallet, NOTHING? How exactly did the encounter take place?  After the incident they setup the account, invite this man to stay on their property, and buy him a trailer, a man that they claim they didn’t know.  Team too much. People do nice things for strangers all the time and it doesn’t become news.  If they wanted to show gratitude why not just pay the man back the $20 and keep it moving? Now we’re dealing with fraud. Fraud perpetrated by the couple and quite possibly Mr. Bobbitt himself. If he is NOT involved in the fraud I am truly sorry this happened to him. Maybe they thought they’d throw him a bone because after all, $75,000 is more than he had so he would be happy with that and they could just pocket the rest.  No matter how you dice it, they are scum and I’m being VERY polite right now. And while they can invoke the fifth amendment, a paper trail can easily paint the picture of what went on, when and how. I hope the people who donated get their money back. I hope that Kate and her POS BF have to pay the piper. I love a feel good story but I don’t like being emotionally manipulated and it sounds to me like these individuals played on the hearts of good people for financial gain and they deserve whatever hell they get. This is why I have trust issues. I bid you a good day.

Game of Thrones

· How One Week in December took over My Life ·

Aug 27, 2018 / 2 Comments

Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way let me start the story. Many people over the years had tried to get me to watch “Game of Thrones” and I always dismissed them as my reply was always “I don’t do medieval.” It was a true statement. Through out the years I had managed to never hear anyone ever talk about the plot or events that happened in the story. The only thing I can remember hearing about was Jon Snow. That was it. I didn’t know who he was, who he was related to.. nothing. Fast forward to December 2016. At that point the series was up to season 6 and I still hadn’t watched one minute and never once did I feel like I was missing anything. All that changed when one day a coworker asked me if I ever watched it and I said no. He then said a sentence that changed everything, “But it has dragons!”  Ok. Dragons? I love dragons! Puff the Magic Dragon, the dragon that was in Gringotts in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows”, Toothless from “How to Train Your Dragon”. I love all of those guys. Dragons are what drew me to “Game of Thrones” and I went in full force and never looked back.

I took a week off during the holidays and I thought “what better time to start watching?” So I went in. HARD. Within that week I had watched 6 seasons of Game of Thrones. I didn’t talk to anybody, I didn’t go out. All I was focused on was getting to the next episode.  I heard the theme music in my sleep. It was the best and the worst thing I could have ever done. When I first started episode 1, season 1, the first thing I thought was “What kind of Lord of the Rings knockoff is this? Hey isn’t that the guy FROM Lord of the Rings?” (You know of whom I speak) I would say by episode 3, I realized that this was NOTHING like LOTR (which I love by the way) and by the end of the first season I was fully committed.

Now fast forward to Summer 2017. At this point I was with everybody else who was counting down the days to the season 7 premiere.  That cold open. Littlefinger getting his comeuppance. The dragon pit. The ice dragon (it still hurts, but we all knew it was coming). Confirmation of Jon Snow’s parentage. To say the show is well done is an understatement. From the acting, to the story (thank you George R.R. Martin) to the locations and the production everything about this show is beyond grand. Now, a couple of weeks ago, there was a poster floating around on the innerwebz with an April 2019 season premiere date. I have since learned that that information is fake news. So as we patiently wait for any crumbs that HBO should choose to give us, let me share some thoughts on key events and characters that stand out in my mind. I would love to hear your thoughts on the show and remember- SPOILERS ABOUND!! Also, who do YOU think will be sitting on the Iron Throne when all is said and done?

Dire wolves- I want one. Also, where the hell is Ghost? Look for Nymeria to make another appearance.

Arya is a bad chick. The. End.

“Hold the door” really? REALLY??

I thought Joffrey was the worst then here comes Ramsay

The music playing before the wildfire explosion at the Great Sept of Baelor. BRILLIANT!

Tommen’s suicide as a result of said explosion. Cersei didn’t see that one coming

The Bronn and Tyrion show. Damn straight I’d watch

Brienne of Tarth- another bad chick. Didn’t you love when her and Arya were sparring?

Speaking of bad chicks “Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me.” Mic Drop.

Oh yeah, and Lady Mormont.

Littlefinger had to get his, but the whole thing was a little anti-climatic

Samwell Tarly. All great friends are named Sam. (LOTR reference)

Speaking of Sam, how about that greyscale removal?

Jon Snow and Daenerys. I know, I know, but it’s still hot

How did Tyrion start off so smart and is now acting so dumb? Sabotage? Is he in love with Dany?

Fuck Shae

Fuck the Waif

The Kingslayer is going to have to kill his lovahsistah


The way Tormund looks at Brienne gets me every time

Two years ago I went to Spain and visited the place that doubled as Dorne. That is all I will speak of that place. RIP Oberyn Martell which by the way is STILL one of the most brutal deaths I have ever seen on TV

The weddings

Yay for Sansa finally getting hip to the game.

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